Deep Dive: Crow pose & its many variations with Marine Geraud

If you would like to learn or deepen your arm balances and inversions practice, this 2 hour workshop with Marine Geraud is for you!

Saturday 23 January 2021 // 11.00 am-1.00 pm // $40

Arm balances are fun, but they are so much more than that. Arm balances and inversions are a great way to build a strong core and arm/shoulder strength which are helpful to take any physical yoga practice deeper. They are also a fantastic way to learn how to focus and be in the present moment, and are a good reflection of how to find balance in your everyday life in general.

During this 2-hour deep dive, you will learn the foundations of how to get into and out of arm balances and inversions, as well as practice useful exercises and drills that will help you strengthen your core and arms/shoulders.

Starting with one of the foundational arm balances, Crow pose (Bakasana), you will then be given options to build up to other arm balances that are extensions or crow and play with funky transitions: Side Crow, Tripod Headstand, Koundinyasana 1, Flying Pigeon, you name it!

This workshop is suitable for beginners and intermediate practitioners

About Marine

Marine has been an arm balances and inversions enthusiast since starting her yoga practice several years ago. Over the years, and with the help of her yoga mentors, she’s built a deep understanding of how to build strength, muscle activation and focus to explore the practice of going upside down and balancing on your head, arms and hands.

Marine always includes options for arm balances and inversions in her classes, and loves sharing her passion for those funny – sometimes challenging – poses with her students.

I love arm balances because they teach three very precious things: patience, focus and humility. You can’t cheat, pretend or skip ahead with arm balances and inversions, they keep you very honest with where you are at with your practice while opening a door to all your inner potential that maybe you didn’t realise you had. Those poses always bring you back to the present, and isn’t that what we all need to practice a bit more in today’s hyper-connected and busy world?

Marine Geraud, Yoga Teacher and Founder, LifeUpsideDown


23 Jan 2021


11:00 am - 1:00 pm



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175a Union Street, Erskineville NSW 2043

Copyright Union Street Yoga and Wellbeing 2024